Freitag, 6. Juli 2012

Graduation und Abschied - Unsere Stipendiatin Franziska berichtet über ihre letzten Wochen in den USA

Unser Stipendiatin Franziska berichtet über ihre aufregenden letzten Wochen ihres High School Jahres in Michigan, USA. Lese hier wie sie die Graduation Feier erlebt hat und wie schwer ihr der Abschied von ihrem "neuen" Leben in Amerika fiel.

Mai/Juni 2012

And once again I can say that the last two months of my stay in the USA definitely weren't boring! No, the last weeks in Evart probably were the busiest that I had so far. 

For example in May my host parents and I drove down to Grand Rapids to run the Riverbank Run. I had already signed up for that race in winter and I was so excited. This race is a huge run with thousands of people and they all can chose between different kinds of races. My host parents and I chose the 6.1 Miles (10 Kilometer) run. It was so much fun. Running with all those people doesn't feel hard at all... on the contrary it feels shorter than usually. My time for that run was 1 hour and 1 minute, for me that was a pretty impressive time. 
Beim Marathon mit der Gastfamilie
Moreover the last week of High School in the end of May was really busy. Our drama play performance was set for the Thursday and Friday that week and we  really had to be very busy getting ready for the premiere. So after school I had drama practices almost every day. Since my track season was over I didn't mind spending my free time in the drama auditorium. 

As I mentioned earlier the Track Season came to an end too. My last race I decided to give everything. I wanted to run break my personal record and get a new fastest time.  And I did it. I ran my mile in 7 minutes! It felt really great to finish the season with such a good time. 

Another highlight of the last weeks was when, June 18th, I got the chance to fly to California and to go on vacation with my German parents.  I had been excited to see them again and to see how America looks like Out West.  It was a big hello at the airport! We spent a 14 day vacation together making a round trip trough California and Nevada. We went to so many different places that it would take too long to talk about all of them. Just the most popular were San Francisco where we stayed for a few days, we spent four days in Los Angeles/Hollywood,and two days in Las Vegas  and we tracked through the Death Valley and Yosemite Park. The whole vacation was amazing! The nature and landscape in California look so much different than in Michigan. 

After my vacation the most exciting day of my whole time in the USA finally was there: Graduation. I got the chance to graduate from the High School I went to and walked down with all my classmates in a cap and gown. After the ceremony where everybody got their diplomas my host parents had organized an Open House for me. So I could celebrate with all my family and friends. The point of an Open House is that everybody has the chance to congratulate the graduate and say goodbye to that person before he/she leaves for college. I really enjoyed spending time with all my friends and my families! I said families because my German family as well as my American family were there to celebrate this day with me.

Graduation Foto mit den Gasteltern...

...und mit den Freundinnen

Sadly, after graduation I only had two weeks left in Michigan before I had to leave to go back home. One of those weeks I spent with my German family to show them all the nice places we have in Michigan. I took them up to Lake Michigan, Sleeping Bear Dunes, Mackinac Island and then we went down to see Grand Rapids. It was really exciting to show them what has been showed to me earlier. 

Hollywood Trip

And then the last week of my High School Year came and I started to pack. I hung out with all my friends for a last time. One of my close friends had organized a good bye party for me. It was so sad when the day of my departure arrived. I remembered the time I was so homesick in the beginning of the year and now I just did not want to leave! I realized that leaving the USA means leaving all my friends and family here! Of course I have all the memories and pictures but I wished I just could have packed all my friends in a suitcase and took them with me! 

Since this wasn't possible I flew home alone. I took all my two suitcases and my two 30 pound pieces of carry on (!!!) and left Michigan and the USA. When I arrived in Germany all my German friends were waiting for me at the airport in Frankfurt! This was really exciting. I was tired from the flight and I was sad not to be in the USA anymore but at the same time I was excited to see all my friends from Germany!
After all I can say that this year probably was the most amazing, exciting, emotional and different year that I've ever had. And maybe things weren't always like I imagined them to be. But most of them were just better! And to everyone who is thinking about going on the same adventure I can just say that it is not always easy, but in the end taking the courage to face those problems will be worth it! I am so glad that I did not give up and fought my way through the tough times in the beginning. And I would definitely recommend you on going abroad for a time just to experience the way of life in a different country, the people and to become more self confident!

I hope you enjoyed reading all the reports from my High School Experience!

 Wie auch du dich für ein High School Stipendium in den USA bewerben kannst, erfährst du uner

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