Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2012

DFSR Fotowettbewerb Schuljahr 2011/12


Nachdem wir wieder zahlreiche hübsche, tolle, lustige Fotos von unseren High School Schülern bekommen haben, haben wir uns nun für 3 Siegerfotos entschieden:

1.Platz: Nicole Reimer, High School Neuseeland

2.Platz: Esther Hentschel, High School USA
3.Platz: Hanna Dierkes, High School Kanada

Vielen lieben Dank an alle, die mitgemacht haben!

Auch für das Schuljahr 2012/13 haben wir wieder einen Foto/Videowettbewerb!
Schicke uns dein schönstes Foto/Video von deinem High School Jahr mit DFSR und gewinne tolle Preise. Alle Infos unter

Vorbereitungstreffen Frankfurt Mai 2012

Vorbereitungstreffen in Frankfurt für unsere Kanada Schüler

Vom 25.-27.Mai 2012 fand das VBT für unsere Kanada Schüler statt. Wir hatten zwei lustige Tage, obwohl man bei den heißen Temperaturen ganz schön ins Schwitzen kam. Danke nochmal euch allen für die tolle Mitarbeit. Wir wünsche euch alles gute für eure Zeit in Kanada!

Hier einige Impressionen von unserem VBT

Erstes Kennenlernen

Rollenspiel: "Der Erste Tag an der High School"

Unsere Returnees

Erstes Telefonat mit der Gastfamilie...
...sorgte für allgemeine Belustigung
...auch bei unserem DFSR Team

Freitag, 22. Juni 2012

Colleges in England! Noch Plätze für 2012

 Du hast gerade die 10.Klasse beendet oder dein Abitur in der Tasche? Wie wäre es mit einem Gap Year in Großbritannien - wir bieten dir moderne Colleges, spannende Kurse, tolle Städte und außergewöhnliche Landschaften...
Wir haben noch viele Plätze für 2012. Du verbringst 10 Monate an einem College in England. Zusammen mit britischen Schülern erlebst du den Oberstufenalltag und lernst Land und Leute kennen. Durch die freie Kurswahl hast du die Möglichkeit, dich auf deine Interessen und Hobbys zu konzentrieren und du kannst dich bereits auf dein Studium vorbereiten. Auch besteht die Möglichkeit den zweijährigen britischen Schulabschluss, die A-Levels, oder das Internationale Baccalaureate zu absolvieren.
Alle Infos gibt's bei DFSR

John Leggott College, Lincolnshire

Surf Academy am Bournemouth&Poole College

Soccer Aacdemy am Bournemouth&Poole College

Fashion Design Kurs am Sussex Coast College

Biologie Kurs

Bournemouth Beach

Farewell Partys - Eure Ideen

Hallo ihr Lieben!

Wieder ist eine Woche vorbei und viele von euch zählen schon die Tage bis euer Auslandsaufenthalt endlich losgeht. Bestimmt verbringt ihr jetzt nochmal besonders viel Zeit mit euren Freunden und Familien und mit Sicherheit plant ihr auch noch eine Abschiedsparty bevor ihr dann in euer großes Abenteuer startet. Habt ihr schon Ideen, wie eure Farewell Party sein soll? Oder organisiert ihr vielleicht eine Party für eure beste Freundin/besten Freund, die/der bald ins Ausland geht?

 Hier eine kleine Check-Liste für eure Party-Planung

  • Motto - stellt die Party unter ein bestimmtest Motto, zum Beispiel das Land, in das ihr reisen werdet. Vielleicht könnt ihr sogar einen passenden Dresscode angeben
  • Location - Überlegt euch, ob ihr zuhause genügend Platz habt oder ob ihr für die Party einen Raum mieten wollt. Super sind jetzt im Sommer Grillpartys im Garten oder wie wäre vielleicht ein Abschieds-Picknick im Park?!
  • Essen und Trinken - Eine tolle Idee ist es, Essen und Getränke des Landes anzubieten, in dem du nun dein Austauschjahr verbringst
  • Deko - Natürlich sollte auch die Deko zu deinem Motto/Land passen - Fahnen, Luftballons, Girlanden und andere lustige Accessoires
  • Musik - Auch hier könntest du dir überlegen, welche Musik zu deinem zukünftigen Gastland passt

USA-Kuchen zur Abschiedsparty

Erzählt uns, was ihr euch noch einfallen lasst für dieses besondere Ereignis...Was gibts's zu Essen, wie dekoriert ihr, welche Location passt am Besten? Wir freuen uns auf eure Vorschläge.

Mittwoch, 13. Juni 2012

High School USA - Interview mit unseren Teilnehmern

Nur noch wenige Wochen, dann starten unsere High School und College Schüler in die wohl aufregenste Zeit ihres Lebens.

Wir haben mal einige unserer ehemaligen Teilnehmer über ihre Zeit im Ausland befragt. Bestimmt könnt ihr euch hier noch den ein oder anderen Rat holen. Viel Spaß beim Lesen!


Meet Marlene, Christian and Heidi. They are from all over Germany and studied abroad in the United States for one year. Marlene studied in Ottawa, Illinois, Christian studied in Spokane, Washington and Heidi studied in Tooele, Utah. 

         Tell us about your host family – did you have siblings? Did you share a room, etc? What was your favorite experience with your host family?

Heidi: My favorite experience with my family was Thanksgiving and Christmas because a lot of family members came to visit and I met my oldest host brother for the first time at Thanksgiving. He lives in Florida and doesn’t visit very often. Christmas was just a lot of fun. I made the Christmas dinner with Danish specialties because I’m Danish and my host family cooks every year for Christmas food from different countries. My Host brother from Oregon, Portland, came with his wife and son who was nearly 1 year old. Actually I had a lot more great experiences because they treated me just like I was their own daughter. I felt this way from the first day I arrived.
Christian: I had a really nice time with my host family. My host brother is 11 years old and we had a lot of fun together. I did not share a room with him. My favorite experience with them was when we drove down to San Francisco to see my host father’s family.
Marlene: I had a host mom and dad and 4 siblings. My host family lived in a house in a nice neighborhood with a small backyard. I had my own room. I think one of my favorite experiences with my host family was Thanksgiving (we do not celebrate Thanksgiving here in Germany). We got up very early because one of my host sisters ran a Turkey trot and we cheered for her. Back home we all cooked together. The food was so good J Later that day some of my host sister’s friends from Chicago came to visit. We stayed up late; played some games, talked a lot and had tons of fun.
            How has your study abroad experience affected your life today?

Heidi: I’m more open to other people and not judge people and their beliefs. I try to make my own opinion about people not to judge them before I even know them. Furthermore I’m not that shy about talking to people and asking for help because this experience to be on my own changed it.
Oh, first of all my English improved a lot. I am much more self confident. I have learned to take more responsibility. Also I learned a lot about American history and in general American culture.
I’ve gained so much experience, independence and life- long knowledge from this exchange. 

 If you had one piece of advice to give students going abroad, what would it be?

Heidi: Don’t worry too much about what the family will think of you just be yourself and try not to judge the family before you lived there. I lived in a Mormon Family and worried too much about it because a lot of people said to me that this isn’t going to be good but when I met my family and they just greeted me so nicely, I knew it would be a great year and it was.
It is not hard to find friends. If you have problems with your host family just talk to them. Also when you have problems with anything else Americans are in most of the cases open to listen to you and to understand your problems. Just enjoy the time you can be there. It is too short to miss anything.
Don’t waste your time, cherish every moment. You are only there for 1 year (at the most) and time will fly by. Try new things, hang out with your new friends and do stuff with your host family. Get out there and do stuff!
     Why do you think your experience was valuable/invaluable?

Heidi: I think my experience was valuable because I lived in this Mormon Family and learned so much about their culture and religion which was very interesting. Also the family made me feels that I was one of their daughters and they made a lot of things with me like going to St. George and Las Vegas. One more reason why it makes my experience valuable is that my family supported me in everything even in hard times. MY family taught me a lot and they just loved me as much as they love their own children. I wish Utah wouldn’t be that far away.
It was valuable because I learned to take more responsibility. I also gained more self confidence.
My experience was valuable because I got to know a new culture, a new lifestyle and I met awesome people.

       What is your most favorite memory from studying abroad?

Heidi: I can’t even tell about my most favorite experience because I can’t really decide which one it is but to one of my favorite experiences is that I could be in the Fall Musical “The Fantastiks” where I was the Mute and I was almost in every scene on stage. I met a lot of new friends and I had so much fun. My teacher was a little bit crazy because he always changed thing of the play even on the day when we performed. I just loved to be on stage, be somebody else and to have fun together with my friends.
When I was on a ski trip with my organization.
All my friends. I keep in very good touch with them and I can’t wait to see them again.

DFSR Blog - Ausland macht schlau!

Herzlich Willkommen auf unserem neuen DFSR Blog! Ab sofort bekommt ihr hier aktuelle Infos rund um unsere High School Programme, Events und alles was sonst noch wichtig ist für euren Auslandsaufenthalt. Freut euch auf viele spannende Berichte, Fotos, Videos,... Außerdem laden wir euch ein, eure Erfahrungen mit uns und anderen jungen, fernwehgeplagten Menschen zu teilen.

Welcome to our new DFSR Blog! Here you get our up-to-date news about your High School Year in Germany, our new programs, events and everything else you have to know about your time abroad. Share your experiences with us and other students from around the world. We are looking forward to receiving numerous exciting reports, photos, videos and many more. Enjoy!